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Public Consultations

Community Consultation: Pedestrian Crossing for Rodway Road


The Town Council are seeking community feedback to support a request for a pedestrian crossing on Rodway Road.  This road is used by traffic and has parked cars on both sides, making it difficult for pedestrians—especially elderly and disabled users—to cross safely to access the Patchway Community Centre.

Your input will help demonstrate the need for a safer crossing to local authorities. 

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.

1. How often do you cross this road?
2. What is your main reason for crossing this road? (Select all that apply)
3. How difficult do you find crossing this road?
4. Have you experienced or witnessed any of the following at this location? (Select all that apply)
5. Do you believe a pedestrian crossing is needed at this location?
6. What type of crossing do you think would be most effective?
7. Would you support additional measures to improve pedestrian safety? (Select all that apply)
8. Do you have any additional comments or concerns?
9. Would you like to be updated on this campaign?
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