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Your Annual Assembly Questions, ANSWERED!

Patchway Town Council would like to thank those residents that attended our Annual Town Assembly on Monday 24th April 2023 at Callicroft House. Those in attendance were given a presentation on cyber-crime and fraud from Avon and Somerset Police, an open forum with the local Police Beat Team and asked questions to Patchway Town Council. For those of you who couldn’t attend, we have put some of the prominent questions and answers below.

Q: The back lanes in Patchway need attention, they are littered with fly tipping. Whose responsibility is this?

A: The back lanes in Patchway are adopted highways and as such are the responsibility of South Gloucestershire Council to manage and maintain. Across the whole of the Town, we see litter and fly-tipping strewn in the lanes and it is very difficult to get it removed. South Gloucestershire Council will only take ‘fly-tipped’ items that are obstructing the lane. This means they will not take any household items at the rear of properties, they will not take anything that is on someone else’s land and they will not remove it if they believe a resident has left it outside of their home. All instances of fly-tipping should be reported to South Gloucestershire Council Streetcare team to Without the reporting, the problem will never be eradicated. Last year, Patchway Town Council spent over £5000 on clearing the back lanes up and a week after, we found that the lanes had been tipped in again. The Town Council cannot afford the burden of this and as such, ask residents to ensure they keep reporting to South Gloucestershire Council to make sure Patchway isn’t overloaded with fly-tipped waste. You can report most issues online at

Q: One of my neighbours is running a business out of their garage, I don’t believe they have permission for this, what can be done?

A: If you suspect anyone that may be running a business from their domestic property, this should be reported to South Gloucestershire Council Enforcement for a thorough investigation. More information can be found at

Q: One of my neighbours is building an extension in their back garden without planning permission, what can be done?

A: If you suspect anyone that may be developing their property without planning permission, this should be reported to South Gloucestershire Council Enforcement for a thorough investigation. More information can be found at

Q: Why is Patchway getting so many HMO applications approved?

A: Patchway has seen an increase in HMO (Houses of Multiple Occupancy) planning applications over the last year. These are sent to Patchway Town Council as a Statutory Consultee and the comments that the Town Council make are considered by the planning department of South Gloucestershire Council. If residents have any objections to these planning applications, they can object via the South Gloucestershire Council planning portal. This can be found at Patchway Town Council will endeavour to keep residents informed of the HMO developments via our social media pages as well as the meetings of the Full Council and the Parks, Open Spaces, Planning and Transport committee. These meetings are open to all members of the public and all meetings start with a public session for questions and answers.

Q: Why is Highwood Road becoming a thoroughfare for residents from Charlton Hayes into Patchway?

A: When Charlton Hayes was initially planned, the introduction of Hayes Way was to alleviate the strain on traffic through Patchway due to the closure of Highwood Road. However, we have noticed a sharp increase in traffic on our roads and we will monitor this situation and request a review from South Gloucestershire Council if the situation needs it.

Q: Will the war grave on the YTL development at Filton Airfield be preserved?

A: We will liaise with YTL and South Gloucestershire Council to ensure these graves are preserved along with other historical points of remembrance or interest.

Q: Why has Patchway become overrun with VOI scooters?

A: Patchway has designated areas for VOI scooter parking and these are on Coniston Road and Rodway Road. The parking zones are dotted in white paint. All incidents of wrongful parking should be reported to VOI on or if there is suspected illegal parking please contact Avon and Somerset Police on 101 or report online at

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