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Three Months of The Community Hub

In October and as a response to the cost of living crisis, Patchway Town Council opened The Community Hub at the Casson Centre for the people of our town as a warm space for residents to come for activities, hot drinks & food, social interaction, and support.

Hosted and run every weekday 10am – 2pm by a committed team including Town Councillors Isobel and Roland Walker and a fabulous group of volunteers, the Hub hosts craft workshops, a well-stocked library, board games, and a kids corner. Prize Bingo has become a popular weekly highlight on Fridays.

Essential items donated from businesses and the community for residents include food items for the Community Larder, blankets, hats & scarves, children’s toys and books.

Christmas at the Hub included a fantastic Santa’s Grotto created by the festive Hub team with 200 children from Patchway receiving gifts donated by John Lewis and other local organisations & businesses over three days in the run-up to Christmas.

Other gifts donated through the team’s outreach and the Hub have seen 100 presents given to Patchway pre-schools, and 50 gifts donated to each of St Chad’s and Coniston Primary Schools. Around 400 presents have been gifted to children & young people across Patchway this Christmas.

The Community Hub has been successful in securing £3250.00 of external funding through grants that have ensured the Hub can provide these essential services.

The Hub takes a short pause from 22 December to 3 January inclusive, returning 4 January 2023.

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