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The Patch Plays Host

On Tuesday 16th May, FACE at The Patch Youth Centre put on a surprise welcome for our guests from our Twin Town, Gauting, in Germany.

There were 8 young people from Gauting present and they met with Patchway’s young people at the youth centre. The young people enjoyed some DJ lessons, basketball and a lovely roast dinner cooked by Patchway’s finest young chefs!

On the Monday, FACE hosted a football match with Patchway and Gauting students on the Jason Franklin 3G Facility at Norman Scott Park. This went down a treat but no-one seemed to keep score! Courtesy of Patchway Town Council, all of the young people enjoyed a hearty meal at Snack Attacks in the Norman Scott Park Pavilion.

Contact details were exchanged between the young people and we hope this strengthens the Twinning connection in Patchway.

A HUGE thank you goes to the youth work leader, Dawn Young, for assisting with these fabulous activities.

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