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The Last Four Years

As the term of this current iteration of Patchway Town Council comes to an end, it is time to look back at what this Council has achieved in the last year.

Elected in 2019 by our residents (some elected at by-elections), these Councillors have formed a Council that has delivered for our residents. A number of projects have been undertaken under this Council and Patchway has some really good new facilities.

The current Councillors that served Patchway in the last four years are: Cllrs Dayley Lawrence, Sam Scott, Isobel Walker, Roland Walker, Sanjay Shambhu, Jo Buddharaju, Roger Loveridge, Peter Knight, Elaine Martin, Eric Gordon, Ken Dando, Toni Scott, Patrick Cottrell, Jon Butler and Brian Hopkinson.

It is time to take a look back and see what this Council has achieved!

2018 - 2019

  • Successfully had two streets in Charlton Hayes named after Mr Lewis Gray (Freeman of Patchway) and Gauting (Our German Twin Town).

  • Installed two 24/7 Defibrillators on Council owned premises.

  • Initiated and oversaw the street furniture enhancement on Rodway Road.

  • Lobbied South Gloucestershire Council for a traffic count on various roads in Patchway.

2019 - 2020

  • Funded £68,660 to youth and community organisations.

  • Installed new ability play equipment in Scott Park.

  • Improvement of internal financial controls.

  • Obtained new 'Urban Gym' equipment for Scott Park with the Community Sports Association.

  • Increased the security at The Tumps and Scott Park.

  • Funded the installation of footpath lighting in Scott Park.

  • Obtained a £7000 grant for a new basketball facility at Blakeney Road Playing Field.

  • Initiated our 'Happy to Chat' bench scheme.

  • Initiated a 'Community Award' scheme.


  • Completion of the Jason Franklin 3G Facility and Twin-Lane Cricket Net Facility at Scott Park.

  • Started the redevelopment of Patchway Community Centre.

  • Purchased memorial benches for VE Day and the people we lost during the COVID pandemic.

  • Adapted to the 'COVID World' and were one of the first council's to hold online meetings to ensure crucial business was dealt with.

  • Became a 'Real Living Wage Employer'.

  • Designed, commissioned and installed a new 'Patchway Map'.

  • Set up a community photography competition with Patchway Conservation Group.

  • Ran numerous successful public consultations to hear the residents' views.

2021 - 2022

  • Obtaining consistently good Internal Audit Reports.

  • Created a permanent solution for the security of The Tumps.

  • Funded Sports Workshops for over 120 children in Patchway.

  • Completed the redevelopment of Patchway Community Centre.

  • Started the redevelopment of the Norman Scott Park Pavilion.

  • Investigated the youth provision in Patchway and worked with South Gloucestershire Council to improve this service for our young people.

  • Upgraded and installed new play equipment at Arlingham Way Pocket Park and Blakeney Road Playing Field.

  • Relocated the Beacon to the BMX track to ensure it is accessible for all residents.

  • Produced and gave out 100 FREE Patchway Calendars.

  • Created a brand new community newsletter.

  • Gave out over 60 free cricket net sessions to young people in Patchway.

  • Awarded for the 'Quality Gold' Status of the Local Council Award Scheme.

  • Successfully run the 'Patchway 100' food project and gave out over £3000 worth of food to local families who need help through our local schools and churches.

  • Adopted and implemented a Local Nature Action Plan for Patchway.

  • Supported residents with their complaints against a specific housing association.

  • Upgraded street furniture around the Town including benches.

  • Invested £15,000 into the surfaces of all of our play areas.

  • Created a new 'Nature Area' in Scott Park.

  • Held a fly tipping amnesty morning in the back lanes.

  • Purchased £20,000 of Christmas Lights for the Patchway Community.

  • Funded £8746 to local youth and community groups.

2022 - 2023

  • Completed the redevelopment of the Norman Scott Park Pavilion, which is now home to local family-run business, Snack Attacks and six brand new changing rooms.

  • We opened and maintain a community hub in The Casson Centre which staffed by two Town Councillors, who raise awareness of what the Town Council does and their team of trusty volunteers.

  • We held a community award evening for our local residents.

  • Selected Mayor's Charities for the year and raised a whopping £1,159.05.

  • The Mayor of Patchway attended numerous community events and raised awareness of what the Town Council does.

  • Held a weekend of community events to celebrate the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee.

  • Welcomed delegations from Gauting and Clermont over to Patchway for a Civic Exchange.

  • Over 800 children in Patchway benefited from FREE sports sessions during the summer holidays.

  • We worked with South Gloucestershire Council and Bromford Housing Association on the future of The Parade.

  • £8050 was given to youth and community organisations throughout the year.

  • Worked with FACE to repaint the Skate Park in Scott Park.

  • Civic Events were held all year round including the annual Remembrance Day Service.

  • We held many community events including our first ever firework night and a Christmas light switch on.

  • Our Community Hub provided a vital resource for all age groups in Patchway offering something different both in and out of term time.

  • Hosted a local resident's book signing.

  • Put together a whole host of events to celebrate Patchway's 70th anniversary.

  • Marked the death of Queen Elizabeth II within our community.

  • Held a community engagement event in February to show the new facilities on offer at Scott Park.

  • Informed residents about the 2023 elections and subsequent boundary changes that have an impact on Patchway.

  • Worked with the Patchway Beat Team around anti-social behaviour in Patchway and Charlton Hayes.

  • Worked with South Gloucestershire Council on the Patchway Waiting Restrictions Review, which will now come into effect.

  • Planned a range of events to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III.

  • Working with Pretoria Road Allotment Association and Patchway Conservation Group to increase the size of the site.

  • Working with Blakeney Road Allotment Association and Men in Sheds to ensure their is ample space for these groups to thrive and grow.

  • Working with local schools to ensure our young people do not go without at difficult times of the year.

  • Working with the local youth work provider to ensure Patchway's young people are getting the best possible service.

  • Working closely with our Twin Towns on how our Civic Link can benefit our wider community.

  • Continuing to work hard up to and after the local elections in May 2023 through what has already been agreed.

As well as of all this, we have been maintaining over 50 litter bins on a weekly basis, litter picking the whole town, cutting over 40 verges in the Spring and Summer periods, ensuring play areas are safe, keeping your green spaces maintained, keeping the planters alive as well as a whole host of activities which usually go unseen!

Being part of the Town Council is not to be taken for granted. Delivering for the community is the goal and each Councillor should strive to help deliver for the area.

If you're interested in making a change in your local community and becoming a Councillor, you can find out more information at

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