Please find South Gloucestershire Council and Community News Updates below.
Proposals to improve walking, cycling and buses

We want to give residents better options for travelling in their daily lives. We have launched consultations on proposals to improve bus, walking, wheeling (the use of a wheelchair, mobility scooter or pushchair) and cycling facilities along two key routes:
The A38 (between Thornbury and junction 16 of the M5) including the B4061 Thornbury Road / Alveston Hill, and Bradley Stoke Way
The A4174 Avon Ring Road (between the Coldharbour Lane junction and the Wick Wick roundabout)
Have your say before the consultations close on Sunday 17 December.
Have your say on the A38 consultation:
Have your say on the A4174 consultation:
Improve your cycling confidence

We are inviting adults who may not have cycled for a while to get back in the saddle with a free cycle confidence course. Using a traffic free environment to refresh your cycling technique and build up skills to ensure you have good bike control. The sessions are at UWE’s Frenchay Campus on Friday 24 November, at 10.30am or 12.30pm. You must be over 16 and have a bike to use.
Book your sessions:
Free bus travel for care leavers

The West of England Combined Authority is providing young people leaving care with free travel on the West of England’s buses. Local care leavers aged 18 to 21 years can claim free bus travel until the end of March 2025, or until their 22nd birthday (whichever comes first). Funding for the scheme comes from the Department for Transport’s Bus Service Improvement Plan.
Learn more about the scheme:
Covid memorial wins award

Congratulations to everyone involved in the Covid Memorial Orchard at Yate Common. Chair of the Council, Cllr Mike Drew and Yate Mayor, Cheryl Kirby congratulated the team on receiving the Britain in Bloom Level 3 award. Residents came together planting trees and adding a bench for a quiet and relaxing place where people can remember.
£4m unclaimed Pension Credit

Around £4 million in Pension Credit is unclaimed in South Gloucestershire. This benefit tops up your state pension by £67 a week and access to other financial support. It is worth checking your eligibility, even if you have savings or own your own home. We will be out and about at over 50s cafes, group meetings and venues to help residents check their entitlement and apply. Find out more at our One Stop Shops in Kingswood, Patchway or Yate, or by calling us on 0800 953 7778.
Find out about Pension credit:
Remembrance events

With Armistice Day on Saturday and Remembrance Sunday this weekend, we have many councillors attending local remembrance events.
Leader of the Council, Cllr Claire Young will be at Frampton Cotterell and Co-Leader, Cllr Ian Boulton will be at the Staple Hill & District events.
Royal British legion Website:
Celebrate Diwali

The Avon Indian Community Association, Southern Brooks and South Gloucestershire Race Equality Network welcome you all to a Diwali event filled with dance performances, rangoli, henna, and a special parade.
The event is on Friday 17 November from 5.30pm until 9pm at Thornbury Active Lifestyle Centre.
Book for the Diwali event:
Men's mental health awareness

Did you know up to 40 percent of men have never talked about their mental health? The One You South Gloucestershire team is focusing on men's mental health throughout November to help break the silence. The team will be posting stories, tips and local services on its Facebook page:
More about men's mental health:
Covid-19 and flu vaccinations for unpaid carers

Covid-19 and flu vaccinations are available to all unpaid carers aged 16 and above this winter: A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, a disability, a mental health problem, or an addiction, cannot manage without their support. When you book you just need to inform the provider that you are an unpaid carer.
Details of where to get a jab: