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Patchway young people join summer Dynamos Cricket day at Norman Scott Park


On 28th August 2024, 31 young people from Patchway participated in the Dynamos Cricket Programme at Norman Scott Park in the town organised by Gloucestershire Cricket Foundation with the support of Patchway Town Council and the town’s sports facilities.

This free event for young people introduced cricket through a day of activities, and every young person received a personalised t-shirt to commemorate the day.

Wilf Brooke from Gloucestershire Cricket Foundation said, ‘Thank you to Patchway Town Council for hosting us. The day all ran very smoothly, Council and Snack Attacks staff were excellent support and it was a great venue to hold the camp. We had 31 children attend on the day.’

Wilf added, 'It has been brilliant to hold a Dynamos holiday camp at Norman Scott Park. We've had 31 children come down, many of whom had never played cricket before. Everyone left with a smile on their face, made new friends and hopefully found a sport for life. Patchway Town Council have been instrumental in setting this day up, and all of the staff on the day were great in ensuring the day ran smoothly’.

Mayor of Patchway, Cllr Dayley Lawrence said, ‘What a brilliant conclusion to the cricket season at Scott Park. These young people from the town had a fantastic day, and maybe we will see a number of them take the sport forward and join their local Patchway Cricket Club. Thank you to Gloucestershire Cricket Foundation for bringing the event to Patchway.’

Image: Gloucestershire Cricket Foundation



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