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Patchway Town Council’s new community facility is now open!

Patchway Town Council are pleased to announce the completion of their final project in Norman Scott Park, the redevelopment of the sports pavilion.

After 9 years from the original application, Patchway now has the sporting and changing facilities that all of our community can be proud of. This project has been part of a series of changes in Norman Scott Park which include the Jason Franklin 3G Facility and Twin-Lane Cricket Net Facility. The 3G pitch was dedicated to the memory of Jason Franklin, who is sadly no longer with us.

In September 2015, South Gloucestershire Council awarded Patchway and Charlton Hayes Community Sports Association £676,640 for sporting development within Scott Park. This included £400,000 towards the improvement of changing facilities. The community sports association along with Patchway Town Council and their user groups, oversaw the construction of a new twin-lane fully enclosed cricket practice facility as well as a 45m X 40m, all weather multi-use sports training facility. These projects were completed over two years ago and are now regularly used by teams based within our community, as well as organised use during school holidays for free sports sessions for all and in term-time for The Patch youth centre.

After discussions between Patchway Town Council, the Patchway and Charlton Hayes Sports Association and users of Scott Park, it was agreed due to the poor condition of the existing Pavilion to build a new one that would enhance the facilities as well as adding something different to the park area. Patchway Town Council went ahead and funded over £800,000 worth of work along with Sport England contributing £50,000 to create the new Pavilion. The new pavilion boasts four changing rooms which are fully accessible for all as well as two smaller multi-use changing rooms. The new Pavilion also has a new café which is now run by local business, Snack Attacks and it has been great to see them open their doors for the Patchway community.

Now that the facility has been completed, an open evening was held last week for all of the user groups and was met with appreciation and excitement for the future of sports in Patchway!

Chairman of Patchway and Charlton Hayes Community Sports Association, Roger Loveridge had this to say on the development, ‘l would like to say how proud I was to be part of the team with Paul Thompson, Jason Franklin and John Thomas, all of the community sports association for all their work in making this sports development possible. Without their early commitment, Patchway would not have been blessed with such a wonderful first class facilities for all its residents. A special mention also goes to Patchway Town Council for their total support in making the development of the pavilion possible and to Jon Butler of Patchway Town Council for all his time and advice to ensure the successful build of the Jason Franklin 3G Facility.’

Mayor of Patchway, Cllr Dayley Lawrence said, ‘It is wonderful to see this brand new facility for Patchway finally be delivered. The new pavilion really complements that existing facilities and the café has been a hit for all residents! I am so glad that as a Council, we have achieved these larger projects and can now focus on improving the other areas in the coming years. I would like to thank all Councillors and staff for their hard work on this project’.

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