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Patchway Town Council makes a donation to the Mayor’s Charities

Patchway Town Council have agreed to donate £100 to the Mayor’s Charities for the 2022/2023 Civic Year.

The Link Club and the 2nd Patchway Scout Group will benefit from a donation of £50 from the Council towards the work they have been doing in the local area. This donation will be topped up from any money received from the fundraising events we have planned for this year. The first event being the firework night on 4th November, where we will have bucket collections for both of the charities. We are politely asking residents to donate what they can to benefit these two long standing Patchway groups. A similar collection will be held at the Christmas Light Switch on event on Friday 25th November.

If residents wish to donate, there is a collection bucket at Callicroft House.

You can find out more information about the Mayor’s Charity at

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