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Patchway Parties All Day in the Park for the Platinum Anniversary


Updated: Jul 31, 2023

On 8 July 2023, Patchway partied all day as the town celebrated its 70th Anniversary with a stunning Party in the Park.

Even a few showers could not dampen the party spirit as thousands of residents participated in a day of live music and entertainment, funfair rides, children’s events, a myriad of fun activities, market traders, fantastic food and drinks, and the official opening of the Scott Park Sports Facilities.

As the Main Stage entertainment opened with the magical JoJo Sparkles wowing the crowds with her first of three magic shows before the first of three fabulous sets from the ‘D Day Dollies’ from Mini Concerts.

As the community flocked into the Park through the gifts and crafts stalls of the Market Area being entertained by Bradley Stoke Radio, local organisations drew people in with great offers like China Plate Smashing from 2nd Patchway Scouts, masterpieces in wood from Men in Sheds, henna tattoos from FACE, and bike marking from the Local Neighbourhood Police Team.

Compered throughout the day by the delightful Cllr Dan Fry, the Main Stage was blessed with a pre-Bristol Pride burlesque show from the local Bristol Belles before Mini Concerts continued with ‘The Sundaes’, ‘Magic of the Musicals and ‘George Evans’.

Crole's Funfair was buzzing with thrill seekers heading up the 100 foot ‘Sky Tower’ for the best view of the Party and riding the ‘Twister’, as well as the calmer rides and fun of the fair stalls for the whole family.

The Official Opening of the Scott Park Sports Facilities by Mayor of Patchway Cllr Dayley Lawrence and Chair of Patchway & Charlton Hayes Community Sports Association Cllr Roger Loveridge was joined by local broadcasting legend Geoff Twentyman and coaches of local football and cricket teams, as Signature Sports hosted free sports coaching for youngsters on the new 3G Multi Use Pitch.

Cllr Roger Loveridge had this to say: 'On the 9th of September 2015, Patchway & Charlton Hayes Community Sports Association received official notification that their application had been granted £676,460.00 to develop Scott Park. The grant was allocated for the construction of a new 3G all-weather training facility, along with a fully enclosed twin-lane cricket practice facility. Additionally, £400,000 was provided towards the refurbishment of the old pavilion, which was in dire need of attention.

After engaging in joint consultation with Patchway Town Council, it was decided that the council would formally take over the management and construction of the new facility. Following a survey of the pavilion, it was deemed cost-ineffective to refurbish it. Consequently, the decision was made to demolish the old pavilion and construct a new one, equipped with a cafeteria for the convenience of local residents and user groups.

This endeavour has resulted in the creation of a magnificent sporting facility, boasting excellent changing facilities and a cafeteria that is enjoyed by all sports teams and residents.

On a personal note, I would like to express my immense pride in being a part of the original team that included Paul Thompson, John Thomas, and Jason Franklin. Their unwavering commitment was instrumental in bringing this development to fruition. It is worth mentioning that the 3G facility has been named in memory of Jason, who tragically lost his life in an accident in 2019.

I extend a special mention to Patchway Town Council for their unwavering support in making these wonderful facilities possible. Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to John Butler for his dedication, time, and invaluable advice, which ensured the successful construction of the 3G facility and pavilion.'

The Kids Zone was packed all day with Facepainting from Linda Castree, Circus Skills Workshops, Soft Play and Mega Connect 4.

Palates were teased with Jamaican cooking from Food with Sophie, Indian cuisine from Little India Bristol, burgers, hot dogs, a variety of mouth-watering sweets and cakes on offer, and a great selection from Snack Attacks in the Park. And the Cider Bar at the Patchway Sports & Social Club, The Booze Box and Deja Brew kept the adults from getting thirsty.

Back at the Mains Stage, ‘Fearlessly Taylor’ from Mini Concerts blew the crowd away with her tribute to Taylor Swift before ‘Disco Inferno’ concluded the night and got everyone dancing before the disco continued in the Patchway Sports & Social Club.

The day could not have happened without the magnificent volunteer support of Town Councillors, local residents and the Patchway Detachment of Army Cadets, plus the Council staff team who ensured the day ran well and the Park was kept litter free across the day.

And we must flag the sponsorship from local businesses which helped make it all possible so big thanks to Advanced Security Systems, The Bush Consultancy, HMC Patchway, Hoole & Co, Lovell Place Care Home, Patchway Sports & Social Club, Select Security Solutions, Snack Attacks in the Park, Village Hotels Bristol and Westcoast Properties.

Hats off to you Patchway, you know how to party and this Party will be back in 2024.

Watch our Platinum Party Film below (© Gary Millard)

Images from Gary Millard Photography



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