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No Mow May

Patchway Town Council are pleased to announce that we will be trialling 'No Mow May' in one area of Patchway. Our Grounds Team will leave the central island at Highwood Road to grow throughout the month of May to provide many useful benefits for wildlife in Patchway. This actions comes as part of Patchway Town Council's Local Nature Action Plan and is the latest action of change when it comes to our outdoor maintenance.

The urgency of climate change and the impact it will have on all of us is more apparent than ever. IT also highlights that we must all play a part in protecting nature and reducing our own impact on the environment wherever we can.

Taking part in No Mow May is a really simple action we can all do to help protect and restore nature in our area. All you have to do is leave part or even all of your lawn to grow throughout May to support pollinating insects. Insects are a main food source for many species - birds, slow worms, frogs, fish, hedgehogs and bats all rely on insects to survive. Our own food security is inextricably linked with insect life, with around a third of our food crops relying on insect pollination.

The decline of insects is very concerning and is affecting food production and the fragile eco-systems that rely on the work they do. Loss of habitat is one of the main causes of their decline and is something we can all help with - simply changing your mowing routine and allowing plants to flower in your garden can create enough nectar for ten times more bees and other pollinators and create habitats that will help insects (and other wildlife) to thrive.

Taking part in No Mow May will also help you and your garden by:

• improving the health of your plants

• improving the quality of your soil

• helping to reduce some pests – some insects and their larvae feed on aphids, slugs and snails

• support food supplies for us

• support other wildlife including birds, hedgehogs, slow worms, bats and frogs.

All you need to do is put your mower away during May and let the grass and flowers grow. They’ll provide food and shelter for insects, which will pollinate the plants at the same time as feeding on nectar. Why stop at May? Leaving some of your lawn to bloom for June (or even the rest of the summer) will provide even more food and shelter that will help insects for even longer.

If you don’t want to commit your whole lawn to No Mow May, leaving a patch to grow will still attract lots of insects to your garden. If you don’t have a lawn, a pot of lavender grown on a windowsill or balcony or plants in containers on a patio will provide a popular feeding pit stop for bees.

Try to avoid using any herbicides or pesticides to make sure insects can thrive during May.

Your garden might not look at its tidiest, but you’ll be doing a huge amount for nature locally. You could even keep a patch of lawn grass long for the growing whole season if you want to do more.

No Mow May is a national campaign and we’re working with partners across South Gloucestershire to promote the message.

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