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Men in Sheds – PTC Grant Update

In 2022, Patchway Town Council granted community group ‘Men in Sheds’ with £1000 towards an outdoor covered area which would enable the group to grow. You will see just how their grant has been used below.

From Patchway’s Men in Sheds:

The grant that we received from Patchway Town Council has to date not been fully spent. The main reason for this is weather and several promises and let downs on both materials and services. That said we have managed to complete the ground foundations of our hardstanding and we are getting prices for our patio area.

Although our project is far from complete at this moment the creation of a firm flat base we can now move around safely on, has been a big plus. Prior to this we have a very uneven surface made up of reclaimed paving slabs and ply wood boards in an attempt to make an outside work space.

Publishing and placing enquiries on places like Facebook has resulted in a growth of our membership. These new members have brought with them new skills and interests. They have seen the model I have made (pictured below) and are keen to take part in making this happen. Like all projects we have come across items we had not predicted.

I have been successful in obtaining grants from other sources plus offers of free works, I aim to continue with this to make what money we have stretch as far as possible. My next aim is to approach suppliers and local companies, in particular Developers, also the likes of ASDA who promote supporting community projects and see what help we can gain in that direction. We all feel we are 'getting there' but it's a frustrating slow process but one that will be a huge benefit once completed and allow us as a Shed to offer a great deal more interesting things for people to take part in. Plus it will be safer, dryer and warmer.

We as a group have high hopes for this shed to grow more into Patchway Community and would like to thank Patchway Councillors for their support, I can't express how much this means.

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