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Child Car Seat Safety Check Events

Following the success of South Gloucestershire Council's recent Child Car Seat Safety Check Events, they have shared the results of these with us.

They say: ' 46 children are now travelling safer on our roads and 66 have the reassurance they are travelling in a correctly fitted child car seat and has given peace of mind to those transporting them.

The incorrectly fitted seats were adjusted to ensure those leaving the location were safe and fit for use.

We spoke with several drivers who were transporting children aged between 4 and 8 years and were not using a required child seat. The local policing teams were made aware of this and spoke with the drivers. In most cases there was a booster seat in the vehicle, but not being used.

If you are able to raise awareness that children under 135 cm or the age of 12 years old, (whichever comes first) the law requires them to use an appropriate child car seat. More details are in the Car Seat Smarter magazine.

For those using booster seats we always advise they use a high-backed booster, which assists with positioning the seatbelt in the best position to offer protection.'

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