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Charlton Hayes Parish Council Consultation

South Gloucestershire Council's Regulatory Committee will be meeting on Thursday 10th February 2022 to discuss the proposals concerning the Charlton Hayes Parish Consultation.

The meeting will be held on Thursday 10th February at 11am at The Council Chamber, Civic Centre, High Street, Kingswood. The meeting will also be webcast by South Gloucestershire Council.

The agenda and reports are below, which set out the order of business and items to be considered at this meeting. South Gloucestershire Council's Officers are recommending to the members that a new Parish Council for Charlton Hayes should be created.

You can read the agenda, the report and our consultation response below.

Agenda frontsheet 10022022 1100 Regulatory Committee
Download PDF • 168KB

Public reports pack 10022022 1100 Regulatory Committee
Download PDF • 5.79MB

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