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AirHop Bristol sponsors Callicroft Primary Academy school football kit

AirHop Trampoline Park Bristol is thrilled to announce its sponsorship of Callicroft Primary Academy's school football team. The partnership will provide the young athletes from Callicroft Primary with a brand-new football kit, promoting team spirit and fostering a love for sports within the community.

Located in Cribbs Causeway, Bristol, AirHop is renowned for its commitment to health, fitness, and fun. This sponsorship underscores AirHop's dedication to supporting local schools and encouraging physical activity amongst children.

The new football kits, emblazoned with the AirHop logo, will be worn by the school's team during their upcoming matches and tournaments. This initiative aims to boost the students' morale and enhance their sense of unity and pride in representing their school.

Chair of the Friends Callicroft Primary Academy,  Rachel Alner, expressed her gratitude, stating, “We are immensely grateful to AirHop Trampoline Park for their generous sponsorship. The new kits have brought a renewed sense of enthusiasm and motivation to the schools team. It was a pleasure helping the school get this much need new kit for the team.

“We are incredibly excited to support Callicroft Primary Academy,” said Michael Parry UK Customer service manager at AirHop Trampoline Parks. “Sports play a vital role in children's development, teaching them teamwork, discipline, and the importance of physical fitness. We hope that our contribution will inspire the students to excel both on and off the field.”

The football kit is wonderful news for 420 children at Callicroft Primary Academy. Mr. Jonathan Keohane, Headteacher, was delighted with the support from AirHop. “Our children are dedicated to their football club and have been desperate to play afterschool fixtures.

Through receiving this kit we will not only be able to arrange fixture against other schools but also look like a professional team! Team Callicroft really do look the business!” The school has a strong extracurricular football club and are looking forward to wearing their kit in some upcoming matches. “We have two games arranged before the end of term”, Mr Keohane reports, “the players will be wearing their new kit with pride thanks to the hard work of the Friends of Callicroft and the sponsorship of AirHop”. 

The sponsorship is part of AirHop's broader community engagement strategy, which includes various initiatives designed to promote health and wellness among local youth.

26th June 2024

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