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A38 & A4174 Travel Improvements


Please find information below about improvements to routes in the local area from South Gloucestershire Council:

South Gloucestershire Council is looking to invest in improving bus, walking, wheeling (the use of a wheelchair, mobility scooter or pushchair) and cycling facilities along two of our busiest and most heavily congested routes.

They are:

  • The A38 (between Thornbury and junction 16 of the M5), including the B4061 Thornbury Road/Alveston Hill, and Bradley Stoke Way

  • The A4174 Avon Ring Road (between the Coldharbour Lane junction and the Wick Wick roundabout)

We want to transform travel, giving everyone better options and making walking, wheeling (the use of a wheelchair, mobility scooter or pushchair), public transport and cycling not only viable, but the preferred way of getting around – especially for shorter journeys.

Consultations have been launched this week and we’d like to hear your feedback.

The schemes support the council’s Climate Emergency goals of reducing carbon emissions and help mitigate a growing population and greater demand for limited road space. But to do this, alternatives to the car must be more reliable, safe and convenient.

For the A38 and Bradley Stoke Way proposals include:

· New bus lanes

· Segregated two-way cycle lanes and separate footpaths

· Improvements to bus stops

· New and improved crossings

· Speed limit reductions.

For the B4061 Thornbury Road / Alveston Hill proposals include:

· Shared-use paths

· Segregated two-way cycle lanes

· Improvements to bus stops

· New and improved crossings

For the A4174 proposals include:

· A new bus stop

· New segregated two-way cycle lane

· New and improved crossings

· Speed limit reductions

· Some junction improvements to improve the flow of traffic.

The proposals will be funded by the Department for Transport (DfT) through the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlements Fund (CRSTS), administered by the West of England Combined Authority. The money available for these projects can only be used for new transport infrastructure and will not impact on funds available for other council services.

Have your say

Further details about both schemes can be found online along with a short survey.

For the A38, the B4061 Thornbury Road / Alveston Hill, and Bradley Stoke Way proposals, visit

For the A4174 proposals, visit

The consultation closing date is Sunday 17 December.

To learn more about the proposals, meet the project team and ask questions, you can attend any of these information sessions.

For the A38, the B4061 Thornbury Road / Alveston Hill, and Bradley Stoke Way:

· Alveston Methodist Church, Alveston, on Wednesday 15 November, between 4pm and 6.30pm.

· The Willowbrook Centre, Bradley Stoke, on Tuesday 28 November between 10am and 12pm.

· Online via Microsoft Teams on Monday 27 November: 12pm-6pm 6pm-7pm

For the A4174:

· Bromley Heath Infants School on Friday 17 November between 4.15pm and 7pm.

· Online via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday 5 December: 12pm-1pm 6pm-7pm

If you have any questions or would like to request a paper copy of the consultation survey, email



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