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  • PTC Admin

30 Days Wild Challenge in Patchway

Patchway Town Council is taking part in The Wildlife Trusts’ #30DaysWild challenge! Take on the UK’s month-long nature next month.

The Wildlife Trusts are challenging us to do one ‘wild’ thing a day throughout June. We’ll send you weekly activity inspiration, but you can also sign up to take part by heading to, where you’ll get a free pack with wildflower seeds and a wallchart.

Spending time in nature has been scientifically proven to improve mental health, so this is a great way to make time for your wellbeing each day. You can share your photos and activities on social media using #30DaysWild, and follow them on Twitter and join the Facebook group.

We have put some links to the resources below for you to get out and about in nature in June! This forms part of Patchway Town Council's Commitment to Biodiversity through their Local Nature Action Plan.

Interactive Resources - Please note that these have interactive links within the documents.

30 Days Wild Wallchart
Download PDF • 4.06MB

How to Spend 30 Days Wild
Download PDF • 370KB

Wild Wellbeing
Download PDF • 573KB

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