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A Platinum Party for Patchway

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of Patchway becoming a Parish in its own right, Patchway Town Council have organised a BIG party in...

Patchway’s Firework Display 2023

Patchway Town Council are pleased to announce that after a successful trial event last year, the Patchway firework display is going ahead...

A Poem for Patchway

Calling all young people! Are you a poet and you just don't know it? We want all of our young people to create a poem for Patchway and...

A Platinum Postcard for Patchway

To celebrate the 70th Anniversary of Patchway, the Town Council would like to invite all young people under the age of 16, to design a...

The Great Easter Bunny Trail

During the Easter holidays, Patchway Town Council are inviting all residents to get involved with the ‘The Great Easter Bunny Trail’....

Pretoria Road Allotment Easter Fun Day

Pretoria Road Allotment will be holding an Easter Fun Day on Saturday 1st April from 10am to 12pm. There will be an Easter bonnet...

Having fun in the February sun!

On Monday 13th February, over 500 people turned up to Scott Park to kick-start February half term with a Funtastic offering by Patchway...

Hungry for Success

The Mayor of Patchway, Cllr Dayley Lawrence, has today officially opened family run business KISS Homemade Burgers new shop at Patchway...

Twinning Information Evening

Patchway Twinning Association are holding an information evening for residents to come and find out more about Twinning and how they can...

A Quali-TEA afternoon

On Tuesday 7th February 2023, Snack Attacks at The Park threw open their doors and welcome local residents for an afternoon tea. The...

Become a Hedgehog Hero

February 2nd is National Hedgehog Day, and to coincide with this, South Gloucestershire residents are being encouraged to become hedgehog...

Local News: Blog2
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