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Council Representatives

Council Representatives to Outside Bodies or Internal Working Groups

Each year, Patchway Town Council elects Councillors to sit on outside bodies or internal working groups to gather information and feedback to the Town Council.

The list below shows the roles that each Councillor will undertake for the 2024/2025 Civic Year.

  • Almondsbury Joint Burial Committee - Cllr Martin, Cllr K Dando, Cllr R Loveridge

  • Avon Local Councils Association - Cllr J James, Cllr N Field

  • Bromford Housing Representative - Cllr K Walker

  • Coniston Community Association - No Council Representative

  • Community Engagement Forum - Cllr P Knight, Cllr R Loveridge

  • Patchway Town Council Events Working Group - Cllr D Lawrence, Cllr D Lansdown, Cllr A Morey, Cllr T Scott

  • Patchway Community Association - Cllr K Dando

  • Patchway and Charlton Hayes Community Sports Association - Cllr N Field

  • Patchway Partnership Meeting (Formerly PN Group) - Cllr K Walker

  • Friends of Patchway Twinning Group - Cllr E Martin, Cllr D Lansdown, Cllr A Morey

  • The Grants Working Party - Cllr S Scott, Cllr K Dando, Cllr D Lawrence, Cllr R Loveridge, Cllr J James

  • Youth Work Working Party - Cllr R Loveridge, Cllr D Lansdown, Cllr J James, Cllr A Morey

  • Quarterly Internal Controls Check - Cllr S Scott, Cllr T Scott

  • Almondsbury Charity – This position was elected in 2023 with Cllr D Lawrence being the Council's representative until 2026

  • Patchway Town Council Media Officers - Cllr D Lawrence, Cllr N Field, Cllr A Morey

  • NatWest Bankline Payment Authorisers - Cllr D Lawrence, Cllr K Dando, Cllr A Morey, Cllr K Walker

  • Community Cohesion Action Group - Cllr J James, Cllr E Gordon

  • Avon Pension Fund - Cllr K Walker

  • Town and Parish Council Forum - Cllr J James

Council Representatives: News
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