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Community Hub

In response to the cost of living crisis, Patchway Town Council opened The Community Hub at the Casson Centre in October 2022 for the people of Patchway as a warm space for residents to come for activities, hot drinks & food, social interaction, support and a diverse weekly and seasonal programme. The Town Council unanimously agreed to carry on The Hub until May 2023. 

The Hub is open 10am - 2pm Monday to Friday at the Casson Centre, Rodway Road for all of our residents. It doesn’t matter if you’re old or young, we have space for everyone in our community! 

Thanks to generous Patchway residents, local businesses and organisations, we have FREE hot water bottles, blankets, toys, games and a Community Larder for anyone who needs them! 

Patchway Town Council is delighted The Community Hub is recognised as a South Gloucestershire 'Community Welcome Space' and received two £500 grants and another grant of £315 from South Gloucestershire Council in recognition of this activity. They have also donated £500 from the Community Food Fund. The Hub has also received a £1880 grant from Sovereign Housing Association, a further £500 from South Gloucestershire Council to provide hot food, £250 from The Care Forum, £200 from The Blakemore Foundation, £275 from South Gloucestershire Council Member Awarded Funding and £2,900 from Magnox LTD.

This £7,820 of external funding has supported this facility being provided for the people of Patchway. This is as well as £1000s worth of donations of food, gifts, clothing, blankets, and equipment from local businesses and residents. And many, many hours of local volunteer support to run the Hub.  

This is a space for ALL residents, regardless of age, to come and keep warm, take part in activities or just to chat to other residents. The Hub hosted a seasonal Christmas 2022 programme, February Half Term crafting, and shortly hosts special Mother's Day and  Easter activity. 

Regular Friday BINGO is a popular highlight of the week with Prizes donated from local residents and businesses. 

'Christmas at the Hub' 2022 included a fantastic Santa’s Grotto created by the festive Hub team with 200 children from Patchway receiving gifts donated by John Lewis and other local organisations & businesses. 

📍 The Casson Centre on Rodway Road

🍰 FREE hot beverages & snacks 

🧩 Jigsaws

🧵 Knitting and Crochet 

📚 Amelia’s Little Library of Books 

📄 Help and advice leaflets 

♟ Board Games

🚸 Kids Corner

🎱 Prize Bingo every Friday

🐰 Special seasonal programmes for Christmas, Mother's Day and Easter

🎒 School holiday crafting and arts activities

So, turn off the heating for a little bit and come enjoy some community spirit at The Casson Centre.

If you have any queries about the Community Hub, please email

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